Monday, December 10, 2007


It looks like I’m going to try something new this coming weekend. I’m going to enter a ½ marathon after long extended weeks of tapering! Or I could just pull out of another running event, but I think I want to go for it anyways. With all of the recent disruptions, I finally set foot outside with my running shoes on Saturday morning for seven miles around town.

The story of the recent storm is old news, but the aftermath is still very much alive. Cleanup is a slow progress, but well on it’s way. It seems like almost every waken moment is spent outdoors in grungy clothes and work gloves sprucing up the landscape. You cannot imagine all the trees taken down by the windstorm. I discovered that I won’t be running two of my favorite running routes for a while. Up rooted trees blanket the trails from the trailhead heads at both places I’ve learn as I jogged to these locations on Saturday morning. I started praying while I started jogging towards to the second spot where the trail winds around a wooded lake with campgrounds lined on one side, but my hopes were dashed as soon as I crushed the hill just before dropping down towards the lake. There was a ‘road close’ sign with trees and power lines mingled across the road behind the sign. After I crawled through one side of the heaping pile of mess opposite side of the power lines, I jogged half mile down to the lake where I found that the destruction was much worse. The entrance trees that greeted you with the park signs are all blown down or uprooted. It was a very sad moment. I stood on the bridge for a long while taking in the grim scenery then I finally went on to explore a bit more on the campground side of the lake, same story.

The rest of my run was unusual as well. The whole place was roaring with the sounds of saws and other machineries at 7 am in the morning. Utility crews were still out hard at work too in the outlining areas of town too.

Sunday morning, I took advantage of getting some much needed ZZzzzs. It seemed like every bone in my body ached from the nonstop physical labor…which I’m not used to. I was gonna go for another run Sunday afternoon but it didn’t happen, time got away. My lower back has been killing me too from all the heavy lifting and carrying. It’s pretty sad that one has to look forward to going to work(office), so they can get recuperated.

It’s going to take me while to get back on a running routine. I also need to get back to my holiday planning as well, the shopping, the decorating, all the fun stuff

p/s I'll get back to reading and commenting on your entries as soon as I get up to speed. Btw, sorry about the lame invite, it'll be temporary, I had to delete a bunch of spam(blogspot sites) attack comments.


IHateToast said...

oy! spam. and if you leave a blog to get away from it, a freak will find you. i looked up 'i don't need a shrink, i need to run''s blog. i knew she wasn't running, but juuuust in case. well, a sleazy porn blog has taken over it. nice.

sorry for what you're going through in the cyber storm. you can't just pitch a tent and roast marshies for this one.

downed power lines. scary stuff.

christine said...

spam attacks are better than being stalked, which is wha ti thought at first. you know, pictures of all the devastation could be interesting from your perspective. i don't mean to be insensitive, it must seem so surreal... my friend is gearing up for a half in March...i didn't say yes or no, just want to see how i adjust to school in the spring before taking on too many other commitments. i got my transcript from a stint at a jr. college back in
'85 (no math credits whatsoever)and i have my college assessment appointment this week. so, i'm pretty confident that i'll be up to eyeballs in basic math and pre-algebra classes this spring. cry for me:(

Nancy said...

Oh stupid spam, at least it isn't something or someone worse. I was thinking you were having more problems.

That storm is just amazing.

Take care.

Scott McMurtrey said...

i've been taking an extended taper, too. it's been kinda fun.

what a storm. clean up is never fun. :(

Backofpack said...

Sounds like you are doing well despite the destruction. I thought you were being stalked again too, so spam is better!

Anonymous said...

Enjoy the 1/2 next weekend. That sucks about your running routes. Hopefully they will be back to runnable soon.

Sarah said...

Sorry there is so much devastation out your way! Barring really bad weather, I'm running the full marathon. I plan on taking the early start (9:30? I think). Maybe I'll see you! Take care!

Sarah Elaine said...

Between the spam bombarding your cyber space and the machinery in your personal space, it sounds like running is a wonderful escape now, more than ever.

m. suen said...

A blog can get spammed? Hmmm... You must be happy being back on the trails running. Btw, thanks for adding me to your readers list. :-) The Swest is finally getting some much needed moisture. Yay!!

Triseverance said...

I am glad things are slowly getting back to normal. We had a storm here a number of years back that put us out of power for a week. That was a major headache. I now have a transfer switch in my house that can be hooked simply to a generator to power the important stuff in the house in case of a big outage.
Good luck with the half.

Deene said...

sounds chaotic. it's sad to lose mature trees but they're replaceable. about all the labor - you're just getting a different kind of cross training.

Olga said...

Weird, my spam stopped some time to you in managing it!

Amy@RunnersLounge said...

Hope you are recuperating and getting back into a routine after your cold and then the storm. Take care!

Database Diva said...

You smoked the Millersylvania course in October. Do you think you can beat 1:50, or are you just looking for a nice, clear course to run on? Either way, good luck and have fun!

It must be heartbreaking to witness so much destruction. It is going to take a long time to get back to normal, and some things will probably never be the same. That is how it has been with the big floods that hit the Snohomish area.

Anonymous said...

Sorry about all the storm damage. I hope things are returning to normal for you.

I've been slacking on my blogging/reading lately too. It's just a busy time of year for everyone. (Made even busier for you by the storm!)

Take care!

Toasty said...

you might be surprised with the half and do better than you think .... i guess this is how tapering began in the first place