Friday, October 12, 2007

Post Portland

Recovery is going well, moving forward from Portland marathon. Done zero running since crossing the finish line Sunday until this morning. Covered three miles slowly and patiently around the neighborhood before I headed out for work. It was a great way to awaken my quads especially. The soreness left my body by Wednesday but I've been busy diving into work life and spending some extra time with the kid gathering pumpkins, harvesting the last bit of vegetables, and so forth.

In thinking about future races, I think I'll stick with the shorter stuff throughout this winter time. The 45 minute commuting each way to work and back eats up most of my daylight time and I'm not a big fan of running in the dark alone. And I'll make an attempt to take advantage of running during the lunch hour once or twice a week depending on the weather and my work pile.

Seattle half is the next big race on my reschedule during Thanksgiving weekend. I might also enter a few local run events between now and then to give me that extra boost to stay in the game so to speak.

Again, thank you so much for bearing with me about the move. I really didn't want to do that, but I hope this will be my home for good.


Nancy said...

Hi Hon. I'm with you.

Not sure what I will be able to do during the winter either, but I'm contemplating an AZ race just to keep me in the game. My dear aunt lives in Tucson so it might work out.

Glad you are recovering well. Hang in there.

Backofpack said...

Thanks for sending us here - good idea. It was great seeing you last weekend! Enjoy your time off this winter and come back ready to roar!

Olga said...

Hope it works. Thanks for the email. No nick names anymore, I guess? Just stick with your guts. I had a panic attack when I put a counter on my blog and saw how many people come over. Who knows, some may not like me very much. In fact, since I am such an "out there" with whole sex Europian mentality, not to mention all the family dips and my decisions, I am sure "some" is an understatement. But, oh, well. There are thousand times more friends I have and aquired through this media, I could care less. Look at Catra and her honesty. Take this step, but grow stronger, dear. Be sure what you did/do/will is the RIGHT thing for you and those you love. Best.

Tom@RunnersLounge said...

We'll follow you and your running life wherever you direct us.

After a marathon, future running just seems ordinary, unstructured, and can even lack unfocus. And yet the next several months when you look back at them next spring might end up being some of the best running times. Run easy when you can.

Sarah Elaine said...

Welcome to your new home. Glad to hear that recovery is going well.

A renewed start all around, eh?

Thomas said...

Hi, thanks for letting me know about your new place.

Relax, recover, take it easy for a while.

Sarah said...

Thanks for sending the new link! Sounds like a fresh start is the right thing to do. Like Olga, I've had my doubts a few times, but so far the advantages and new friends have outweighed any negatives (none really for me.)

christine said...

thanks for the update.
run on girl run on.

Scott McMurtrey said...

keep it real, yo. keep it real.

you haven't been taking the elevator this week, have you??

Deene said...

thanks for the shout. it's because you're such a hottie that the poor guy has became a stalker.

E-Speed said...

glad you are taking time to recover. You definitely earned it with that fine performance in Portland!

Anonymous said...

still very impressed by the pb. it's not the final time. it's the time shaved. no, not shaved, hacked off. that is so amazing.

glad to have found the new you.